Prior to reaching the Xbox One goal, the developers detailed the game’s Staff weapon. Staff users are at their best when wearing cloth armor which has high magical resistance. The staff shoots out magic bolts that get bigger and stronger as players progress through the game.

Staves also have a charge attack ability players can obtain, which changes according to which type of staff is used. Staff users can cast supportive magic in addition to offensive magic, to heal or buff their Magnus or other players in battle.

The developers also introduced a new Magnus, the Baston Gator, and its second form, the Ironskin Baston Gator. According to the update, Baston Gators may look small and innocent, but have powerful bites – as well as one of the highest offensive stats when compared to other early stage Magnus in the game.

The next stretch goal, at $242,000 USD is new Bachelors & Bachelorettes. As such, one already existing bachelorette was introduced in the latest update under the moniker of Emilia. Emilia is the owner of the Vokka Village item shop where players can buy seeds, tools, food, potions, crafting and more, which will be on sale on certain days of the week.

The Kickstarter campaign for Re: Legend will end on August 25. The game will be available on PC, Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. The PC version has a targeted release date of June 2018, but it has been stated that the console versions won’t be released until around six months later, unless a possible future stretch goal is reached.

Stay tuned in to GameSkinny for more Re: Legend updates as the game’s crowdfunding campaign continues!