Buying tickets for Blizzcon is serious business. There is no room for error when you have to deal with online queues. Tons of people are going to want to go and there is a very real chance the tickets will sell out before your turn.
Keep in mind that, even though the tickets are on sale today, Blizzcon itself does not take place until November 8th and 9th. It will be at the Anaheim Convention Center in lovely Anaheim, CA.
Here’s some helpful information for buying these tickets:
Credit/debit cards are the only accepted payment method Enable cookies and JavaScript Do not close the browser until your purchase is confirmed to avoid queue placement loss Tickets are only sold online
Are you stressed out yet? I sure am! Nonetheless, if you miss out on this opportunity for Blizzcon, Blizzard will be doing a virtual ticket pay-per-view (the details of which shall be released later) where you can remotely experience Blizzcon and its wonderful panels.
Good luck to you! I hope to see you (and myself) in Anaheim for Blizzcon 2013!