According to the game’s development team, they will be pulling from Red Dead Redemption’s current multiplayer and combining it with everything they’ve learned working on Grand Theft Auto Online.
Players will be able to explore the expansive world alone or with friends, and the developers promise constant updates, just like in GTA Online.
Following the announcement of Red Dead Online, some of the Rockstar devs did a Q&A session with IGN. During the interview, they discussed what players can expect from RDO.
Of note is that while Red Dead Online uses RDR2 as a jumping off point, the two will not be released together and are seen as separate products that will continue to develop individually.
Rockstar has stated that Red Dead Online will be available free to anyone who owns Red Dead Redemption 2.
The interview also discusses the game’s open world format, with the devs noting its potential as an open world multiplayer component that expands beyond cities.
For those wondering how the game will differ from GTA Online – other than the obvious – the developers said a major difference is the pace of the game. Unlike GTA where everything is fast, things run at a more moderate pace in RDO.
Players will have time to really settle in and get comfortable with their characters. From the explanation, it seems like there might actually be a higher opportunity for true roleplay in Red Dead Online.
Stay tuned to GameSkinny for more news and information on Red Dead Redemption 2 and Red Dead Redemption Online.